[05/19/2023 “teEn-MAIL”] Key to minding the mouth is minding the mind behind the mouth. Since it is from the meditations of the mind the words of the mouth arise, we must remain mindful of our thoughts being properly centered. Is this minding remaining the consideration of … [Read more...] about CONTEMPLATION CONSIDERATION!
[05/18/2023 “teEn-MAIL”] When there are severe weather conditions, airplanes may be grounded until the storm passes. Still, an overloaded plane can have difficulty picking up momentum and gaining enough lift to take off. Planes are made to fly, not sit on the ground. They were built to soar but what could … [Read more...] about GROUNDED BUT NOT GROUNDED!
[05/15/2023 “teEn-MAIL”] Waiting is not always easy. Sometimes our impatience can even be roused within a matter of seconds such as when a light turns red right as we get to the intersection and so we wait, or when waiting for a website to open up, etc. When waiting for people we may sometimes struggle with … [Read more...] about HOW LONG?
The Narrow Gate
School is hard. Sure, it’s hard to study, especially if you struggle to focus as much as I do. However, I’m talking about the social pressures of school that are really hard along with the pressure that can be felt in the world today. I remember when I was in high school, there was a time when I realized that my best friends were not true friends of mine. It was incredibly … [Read more...] about The Narrow Gate
[05/11/2023 “teEn-MAIL”] There are things which we may do by accident while other things are done on purpose. There are also things we may do for no particular reason while others are done with a definite purpose in mind. As we consider our life, are we living by accident, for no particular reason, or very … [Read more...] about PLANNED PURPOSE!