Facing the reality of clever perverters of the truth and how even our own desires can lead us astray, how can we keep our focus where it ought to be? Jude offered three antidotes to aid in remaining faithful to God. We read. . … [Read more...] about GUARDING AGAINST STRAYING (Part 2 of 2)
Have we ever gotten up in the morning with great intentions that for some reason faded as the day went on and what we had planned to follow through with did not happen? When it comes to getting all the errands or tasks accomplished that might have been planned for a day, if not all gets done it may still be … [Read more...] about LOVE FOR GOD!
In his letter to Christians at Philippi, Paul encouraged. . . “(9) And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment, (10) so that you may approve what is … [Read more...] about KNOWING LOVE!
Both action and inaction can reveal something about the heart. Willingness to do something or the refusal to do so says something about where our focus rests. Though there are actions which may be demanded and therefore dutifully carried out, the willing heart needs no command, but only the invitation or … [Read more...] about COMPELLING WILLINGNESS!
Do we ever forget what we have said? Do we ever need to be reminded of words we have spoken? Sometimes we offer encouraging words to others going through difficult moments that we might not call to mind when going through such ourselves. In moments like those we might be reminded of what we have ourselves … [Read more...] about BACK AT YOU!