In the twentieth chapter of the Gospel of John, we read his moving account of Mary Magdalene going, on the first day of the week, to the tomb where the Lord’s body had been laid the Friday before. Her actions, astonishment, and deepening sorrow all revealed she had expected no resurrection. Her Lord was dead. It was over. In Mark’s … [Read more...] about WHEN EMPTY IS FULL!
In Proverbs we read. . . “(12) There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death.” (Proverbs 14:12 ESV) And. . … [Read more...] about SEEMS OR IS?
There are some who have chosen to live off the grid with no running water or electricity. Such a lifestyle can have its challenges. Sometimes people get frustrated when something is not coming on and then realize they forgot to plug in. Obviously, … [Read more...] about PLUGGED IN!
We know from Scripture that the devil can take on any form (2 Corinthians 11:14; I Peter 5:8) and work by various means. If the devil really appeared as a figure dressed in a red suit and holding a pitch-fork we might not be so easily deceived. But he is sly. The form he took in the garden of Eden was that of a serpent and, in order to deceive Eve, he … [Read more...] about ARE YOU SURE?
There are many opportunities to learn. However, not all those opportunities are maximized. This is often due to what might be behind questions being asked as the reasons people ask questions can vary greatly. Some genuinely want to know the answers; they do want to learn. Others just want to see where others stand; to see if the position on an … [Read more...] about LEARNERS!