It is far too easy to jump to the wrong conclusions as we look at our own situation and the situation of others. Like Job’s friends, we need to be careful of drawing the conclusion only good things happen to good people and bad things happen to bad people. Perhaps the “why” of some circumstances may never be answered, but we must guard … [Read more...] about WRONG CONCLUSION, SAME NEED!
LIFE IN CHRIST! (Part 1 of 3)
The Christian walk is characterized by many actions, experiences, and blessings. Some of these directly impact our own self while others impact the lives of others. Nevertheless, all of it can direct the focus toward the Lord and glorify Him. Today and over the next two days, let us consider three things characterizing the Christian … [Read more...] about LIFE IN CHRIST! (Part 1 of 3)
Our willingness to repent is an indicator of openness to acknowledge something is wrong and a change is needed. That is openness to a change of direction in our life. However, is this openness solely about change we bring about ourselves or does it include an openness to truly surrendering to the transformation God desires to … [Read more...] about OPEN TO GOD!
In the beginning, God created every living creature and plant, and it was all good. He even created a beautiful garden (Genesis 2:8) wherein Adam and Eve lived until sin caused them to be driven out. (Genesis 3:23) God later revealed His plan -- first stated in a promise to Abraham (Genesis 17:8) and later to Moses (Exodus 3:8) … [Read more...] about GOD’S GARDEN!
Translations: Living Bible
There are numerous translations of the Bible available in bookstores and on the Internet. Paraphrased versions of the Scriptures are popular. Paraphrase versions are more commentaries than translations and are what the translator “thinks” is being said in a certain passage. “A ‘Dynamic Equivalent’ attempts to use the original language as a guide in translating, and then … [Read more...] about Translations: Living Bible