When someone shows up to help another, it is not uncommon to hear their initial response, “Thank God, you’re here.” Even when someone has been assisted financially, it is not uncommon to hear someone express, “I thank God for your generosity.” or “God bless you for your willingness to assist.” In the actions of … [Read more...] about OVERFLOWING THANKS!
I recently heard someone state something along the line of “None of us have received from God everything He would like to give us.” Think about that. This was not a reference to everything we might want, but what God truly desires for us to have. God is the great giver of all good and perfect gifts. (James 1:17) … [Read more...] about UNLIMITED RESOURCE!
It has been said, “Honesty is a very expensive gift. Don’t expect it from cheap people.” (Warren Buffett) The problem in this world is that in not acknowledging or understanding what is of most value, good values have been lost. There are so many … [Read more...] about VALUE OF VALUES!
Lessons are learned by all sorts of methods. There is wisdom gained through the study of books as well as that which is acquired through living. A printed sheet I have had posted in my office for a number of years (something I first saw on the wall of a colleague) reads. . … [Read more...] about A MULTI-FACETED THING!
In Proverbs we read. . . “(12) There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death.” (Proverbs 14:12 ESV) And. . … [Read more...] about SEEMS OR IS?