How often has it been that when a parent asks their child what story they want read to them at bedtime they ask for one that’s been read many times before? “Didn’t we read that last night?” “But I want to hear it again!” And though they have heard it so many times they could probably recite it themselves, they have not grown tired of hearing … [Read more...] about LOVING THE LOVE STORY!
Reaching out to others with the truth of God’s Word is a significant thing, but significant to it is also the way in which we do so. When I began preaching, a seasoned preacher told me, “Don’t aim so low as to step on toes. Aim for the heart.” (Charles Andrews) At the heart of preaching -- as well as the sharing of the Gospel one on … [Read more...] about RESTORED TO RESTORE!
There are many passages in Scripture which warn against being deceived. (i.e. 1 Corinthians 6:9; 1 Corinthians 15:33; Galatians 6:7; James 1:16, 22, 26; among others.) Such deception can occur either due to a refusal to see as one ought (i.e. 2 Thessalonians 2:10) or by being led to misunderstand the truth. (i.e. Romans 16:18; 2 … [Read more...] about NOT DECEIVED BUT DIRECTED!
POOR POOR? (Part 3 of 3)
Again, as we have noted the last two days, how often have the poor been pitied while the rich are envied? Though there are those who live in spiritual poverty -- refusing to acknowledge sin for what it is as they live after their own fleshly desires (note Ephesians 2:3) -- there is a sense in which our spiritual poverty … [Read more...] about POOR POOR? (Part 3 of 3)
Is God able to do whatever He wills? Yes! (Matthew 19:26) Can we expect God to always be faithful? Yes! (2 Timothy 2:13) Can God be taken at His Word? Yes! (Proverbs 30:5) Is God able to see His plans through to the end? Yes! (Isaiah … [Read more...] about GOD’S YES!