There is a game farm in our region which advertises, “Slimed, Kissed, Slobbered.” After the first time we took our family through quite a number of years ago, we kidded you could tell what vehicles had gone through by the green slime streak down the side. Yes, they had been “Slimed, Kissed, Slobbered” on by the … [Read more...] about THE KISSING!
Where are we bound? Have we gotten on the right train? As we have settled back for the ride of life are we sure we are heading for the right station? Someone has said, “The right train of thought can take you to a better station in life.” [source: “1600 Squibs And Quips”, compiled by … [Read more...] about ALL ABOARD!
One of the things I may hate more than anything is to be late for something. My wife often says my view seems to be that if I’m not early, I’m late. The truth is I don’t like to rush. I like to be where I’m supposed to be when I’m supposed to be there, but also in time to relax and be prepared mentally for whatever the function might be. When having to travel some distance I … [Read more...] about RIGHT ON TIME!
I came to a fork in the road today and was faced with a decision to make. I had a destination in mind. I had a time schedule to keep. But there I was facing a fork in the road. What was I going to do? What was I supposed to do? Well, I continued on my way and then began to wonder if I was right. Should I go back? … [Read more...] about NOW WHAT?
When I think of “trailblazers”, what comes to mind are stories I have read of the pioneers who headed west across America, creating the routes others would eventually follow. Where some might have seen no possible way, others forged onward around and over the obstacles that lay between them and their desired destination. … [Read more...] about TRAILBLAZER!