Gatherings take place for various purposes. There are gatherings for events, gatherings for meals, gatherings for meetings, gatherings for service projects, gatherings for worship, etc. Gatherings can be big or small, ranging from outdoor assemblies to in-home get-togethers. When there are gatherings, sometimes people look forward to enjoying food as part of the occasion. However, one thing that takes place regardless of size of gathering is conversation. What marks the conversation may vary depending on the character of those who are gathering. What marks the character of our conversation?
Writing to Christians at Ephesus, Paul urged. . .
“(3) But sexual immorality and all impurity or covetousness must not even be named among you, as is proper among saints. (4) Let there be no filthiness nor foolish talk nor crude joking, which are out of place, but instead let there be thanksgiving.” (Ephesians 5:3-4 ESV)
Regardless of the gathering of which we might be a part, is this not something we ought to keep in mind? In contrast with what we might consider unwholesome talk, Paul urged toward a focus on thanksgiving. A focus on all for which we are thankful ought to lift our focus to God to Whom we should be ever grateful for His innumerable blessings both physically and spiritually. Also, in contrast to coveting what others might have, a spirit of thankfulness acknowledges the present blessings we ought to not take for granted.
As we gather with others today (and everyday), let there be thanksgiving. Thank God for the blessing of another day. Thank God for the plenty He has provided. Thank God for the blessed relationships He has brought us into. And as we share in conversation, may words of thanksgiving arise as we’re living in gratefulness to God for all He’s been giving!