From TFT, Feb 2002 (Edited Mar 2023)
“A fifteen year old shot and killed his teacher today. . . .”
This quote and other similar quotes have been heard over and over again. Are we losing our teens to Satan? Do they have idle hands? What are we teaching these kids today? Our young people are under constant attack by Satan and the temptation that oozes from him. I believe that one of our country’s greatest resources and assets is its young people. What has happened to nations or countries that failed to educate their children and young people to succeed and perpetuate the values and traditions of that country? You are right! They cease to exist.
Our Teens
Is there a parallel for our religious nation? What about OUR TEENS that are our spiritual brethren? What about the young people that are not yet ready to obey the Gospel that is near and dear to us? What about them? Are they shielded against the archfiend Satan? Are they vulnerable to temptation and sin? Of course they are! This begs the question, “What are we doing to help our beloved young people? Personalize it! WHAT AM I DOING TO HELP? WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO HELP? We can no longer wait for someone else to help our teens and educate our teens about God’s will and His desire for all of us to live righteously.
The Website and Publication
This publication (and website) is an effort by several faithful brethren that really care about the future of the church. We know that our youth are a very important resource, not only to perpetuate the Lord’s church, but to also continue in the apostles’ doctrine [Acts 2:42] by teaching all nations the gospel [Matthew 28:19-20]. We believe that our teens need publications that speak the truth in love [Ephesians 4:15]. The straight truth that can also help them live for God in this world of trial and temptation [Psalm 119:105]. We also want to give them a few exercises that will get them into the text of their Bible. That is why we are including a few activities that will help stimulate their interest and learning [2 Timothy 2:15].
Your Part
What can you do to help? We want to provide this publication (and website) to our teens at no cost to them. However, nothing is done without some cost. The Central church of Christ at Pflugerville as concerned members have (re)started this good work. We have an aggressive goal to populate this website quickly and publish a regular newsletter to the teens that we already know and love. You can be a part of this work as well by praying for the work and letting others know of the work, especially our target audience, teens.
What would have happened to Israel if a young person named David had not “stepped up to the plate” in the conflict with the Philistines? Do you think his father, Jesse, taught him about Jehovah God and His will? David’s life, although he was not perfect, shines as a memorial to our Heavenly Father. Our young people are a great resource to the work of our Lord. We must do everything we can to encourage them and teach them the authoritative will of God. It is a responsibility that God has entrusted us with [Deuteronomy 6]. May we all strive to do everything that we can to be supportive to our young people and teaching them the eternal principles of God.