As I have been given the opportunity and privilege to share the Scriptures with incarcerated individuals each week, I from time-to-time tell them that I am in as much need of God’s grace today as when I first believed. I want them to know forgiveness is possible and they can have hope. I want them to understand … [Read more...] about HE CAN AND WILL!
Joseph was an amazing young man. Though he may have pushed his older brothers’ buttons by telling them about his dreams (Genesis 37:5-11), he was still one who knew character counted for something. (note Genesis 39:6b-10) Joseph had quite the life, a life which took him from a humble family of shepherds to eventually … [Read more...] about FRUITFUL FOCUS!
Do you enjoy reading the biographies of famous people? Do you like to note the good qualities of lives worthy of imitation? Have you ever thought about what could someday be written in the biography of your own life? What may be described as … [Read more...] about A GOOD BIOGRAPHY!
There are those we love to have within arm’s reach. We love to be in their presence and have them in ours. Perhaps such thoughts are fresh in our mind as we have had the opportunity to connect with family and friends through this holiday season. However, there are also those we could not physically embrace … [Read more...] about LOVING EMBRACE!
The twenty-fourth was marked on the calendar as “Christmas Eve”. Decorations had been prepared and hung up for days and some children may have even set out cookies and milk in anticipation of the coming of “Santa Claus.” We may find a lot of fun in these traditions and the shared time with family and friends … [Read more...] about PREPARATION!